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February 12, 2009
Board of Commissioners of Trust Funds
Minutes of the February 12, 2009 Meeting

Present:  Mayor Driscoll, Robert Lutts, Raymond Vaillancourt,
               and Thaddeus Buczko

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Mayor Driscoll.

Raymond Vaillancourt made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2009 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Thaddeus Buczko and voted unanimously.

The Board is waiting for more information on the “Lifesaver Program”.  
This will be tabled until next meeting.

The Council on Aging requested that the Board increase the cap for assistance for the Endicott Fund from $14,000 to $16,000.  In lieu of the new Medicare guidelines
and information received, Robert Lutts made a motion to increase the cap to $16,000.  The motion was seconded by Raymond Vaillancourt and voted unanimously.

Rachel Lutts submitted a request for the Salem High School After Prom event.
The Board has supported this event for the last few years.  Thaddeus Buczko made a motion to approve $500 from the Browne Fund to support this event.  The motion was seconded by Raymond Vaillancourt and voted unanimously.

Donations were received for the Roland Pinault Class of ’41 Scholarship Fund and deposited in the Eastern Savings Bank ($680.00).  Acknowledgments will be sent and a list of names will be sent to Mrs. Pinault.

Robert Lutts distributed the second quarter report from the Eastern Bank.

An email was received from Mrs. Renee Julien on behalf of her son, Michael.
Michael was selected to attend the Australia with People to People Program for this summer.  They were interested in any scholarship funding that might be available for his program.  The Board is interested in how much money he has collected to date and they would like to know more about the program.  He will be invited to the next meeting or may submit more information about the program to the Board for further review.

The Clerk will notify Bill Cameron at Salem High School to let him know that the Board administers funds for the Roland Pinault Class of ’41 Scholarship Fund.

The Clerk will contact Leonard Berkal to review the Kiwanis Funds.

A request was received from the Council on Aging for $2,846.70 for medication expense reimbursement.  Robert Lutts made a motion to approve funding from the Endicott Fund.  The motion was seconded by Raymond Vaillancourt and voted unanimously.

The Council on Aging also submitted a request for a refrigerator for a client.  Robert Lutts made a motion to approve $558 from the Marston Fund for the request.  The motion was seconded by Thaddeus Buzcko and voted unanimously.  

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 P.M.

Respectfully submitted:

F. Kay Fouhey, Clerk